Beat Plastic Program (BPP)

Plastic pollution is a pressing global issue, and that's why we've developed a dedicated Plastic Program. Our goal is to reduce plastic waste, protect marine biodiversity,promote responsible plastic management, and find innovative alternatives to single-use plastics. We work with local businesses, schools, and community groups to drive awareness, organise cleanup initiatives, and advocate for sustainable practices.


Eco Soccer Championship

Eco Soccer Championship

Sports meet sustainability in our Eco Soccer Championship! This exciting event combines the love for soccer with environmental consciousness. Teams from various communities come together to compete in a tournament that emphasizes eco-friendly practices, such as cleaning up the community, promoting recycling efforts, and raising awareness about plastic pollution.

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Clean Ups and Outreach on Plastic

Clean Ups and Outreach on Plastic

We are dedicated to addressing the global issue of plastic pollution. We actively organize clean-up campaigns to remove plastic waste from our environment and collaborate with local organizations, schools, and community centers for outreach activities...

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Workshops and Youth Summits

Workshops and Youth Summits

We believe that empowering young people is key to building a sustainable future. Our workshops and youth summits provide a platform for knowledge sharing, skills development, and collaboration among youth interested in environmental activism...

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